How to REGISTER on Bizgrouplink?

Steps to register on Bizgrouplink:

  1. Click on the register tab.
  2. A user can register using the credentials of the other social media icons (Apple, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google).
  3. A user can also register using a username (this name appears on the discussion posts), email address, and password.
  4. In the next window, you can build your business interests. Choose Affiliate or Franchisee.
    • Affiliate – User affiliated with a business in any manner
    • Franchisee – user representative of a business franchisee
  5. In the second window, you can choose your favorite business groups. These business groups will appear at the top of the discussions. If you don’t want to select any now just choose skip. You can choose any business group as your favorite by clicking the blue symbol on the right of the Business group name.

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