Why Bizgrouplink has chosen to be an open platform?

Why Bizgrouplink has chosen to be an open platform where everyone can read discussions and see the Bizgrades of an organization?

The present system is a straight line system where a business owner like a franchisee is in the middle of a franchisor or an organization and customers. In this straight-line model, all the policies and rules of the organization or franchisor are delegated to the business owner or franchisees, and all feedback by the customers is given to the individual location of an organization or a franchisee. The organization or franchisor is completely shielded from the direct interaction and lashes back or complaints from the customers. In addition to that, the organizations (franchisors) constantly inspect and demand renovations and other expensive upgrades from their associated business owners such as franchisees. This model also gives advantages to organizations as their associated business owners may be hesitant in giving individually direct feedback or comments to the organization as their identities will be open to the organization and may see retaliation or penalties from the organization against the individual business owner instead of being a part large group where none can be identified individually. In all consequences, the customers always make the individual business owners or franchisee responsible not the organization.

Both organizations and Customers are pointing to the Business owner affiliated with the organization

Bizgrouplink changes the straight-line model which favors the organizations to a model where organizations are as responsible and target customer feedback as the business owners. In summary, the Bizgrouplink gives Business owners the following needed opportunities:

  1. On Bizgrouplink, Customers can see, in most situations, business owners are following the policies and rules of the organizations. In general business owners work hard for the satisfaction of the customers. The business owners make lots of investments for the requirements imposed by the organization and the business owners’ success is dependent upon happy customers only.
  2. However, in a straight-line model as shown above figure the organizations never come in direct contact with the customers and never get blamed for any mistakes. So, organizations always prefer such a model where their actions are shielded and the business owners are responsible for everything with the customers. Bizgrouplink breaks that barrier by opening access to all including customers. The customer’s perception of the responsibility to their satisfaction will shift equally to the organization as to the individual business owners. The organization will have to work in close cooperation with their affiliated business owners, will have to think many times seriously before asking their affiliated business owners to make expensive additions, renovations, and changes to their businesses. Bizgrouplink makes the level Plainfield for the business owners with their organization.
  3. All business owners can collectively discuss issues with the organization without worrying about being targeted, discriminated against, or threatened to lose their business.  The organizations can see the username only of a business owner but will not be able to identify to target an individual intentionally. Since the customers and all others will be able to see and read everything on the Bizgrouplink, they may express their feedback on many other social media platforms about the organizations. The business owners have nothing to lose but gain by actively participating on the platform of the Bizgrouplink because their performance is already out there as discussed by the customers on all other social media websites. However, the business paradigm for the organizations shall change due to Bizgrouplink and organizations may not be in favor of discussion platforms open to all which is a narrow vision of organizations.
  4. Besides, all business owners can brainstorm together to improve their businesses as a big group not just thinking alone as an affiliate of an organization.
  5. Business owners can help each other in solving problems and sharing their experiences in handling a difficult business situation.
  6. Business owners can communicate and help each other by sending messages on an individual basis.
  7. Business owners can also give Bizgrade to their affiliated organization that will force the organizations to work in close associations with their affiliated business owners. The customers are always reviewing and evaluating all business owners on various social media websites, why not business owners also review and evaluate their affiliate organization to make the level Plainfield?
Circular relationship where customers and franchisees can give direct feedback to the organization

In essence, Bizgrouplink is putting the business owners in driving seat with equal opportunities that the organizations enjoyed. Bizgrouplnk’s platform will help everyone to come together to achieve Superior Customer Satisfaction.

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